7 Şubat 2013 Perşembe

Children Around The World

Diphtheria, such as saliva and saliva contact with salyalarla or microbe contaminated items (toys, etc.). Götürülmesiyle mouth and spread by the respiratory route. Diphtheria toxin is a very powerful microbe respiration by releasing a blocking nose and throat infection, heart failure, may result in damage to the nervous system. One of every ten people who were sick, unfortunately, all die despite treatment.
Whooping cough that can occur at all ages, and even adults, even to breathe to prevent a disease that causes coughing spasms. This is an ongoing bouts of coughing between 6-12 weeks and can lead to seizures, vomiting, even after the weight loss observed in many children. In addition, more often, including pertussis pneumonia in children under 1 year of age, and intraocular bleeding in the brain and can cause death.

Tetanus germs, usually in the soil, even in the body which may be a very small wounds and cuts a bug. Secreted by microbes "tetanus poison" and damaging the spinal cord and nervous system, and advanced all the treatment options still lead to the death of 6 of 10 patients. These microbes live in oxygen-free environment rusty nails, knives, as well as substances such as glass, cut, open wounds, animal droppings and dirt, and as a result of contact with infected people.
Tetanus disease is most often seen in life before the end of the first month of the "new-born tetanus" is the name of the. New-born babies, tetanus mikrobuyla or unhealthy conditions of the umbilical cord during birth or after birth are facing due to the discontinuation of non-sterile conditions. After birth, the umbilical cord has been in contact microbe knives, razor blades, glass and even the baby as a result of the discontinuation of the disease through germs are spread and enters the blood stream occurs. Almost all of these babies are dying from the first days of life, despite all kinds of treatment.
The three most important signs of tetanus disease in infants, feeding difficulty contractions and can not be calmed crying. Tetanosundan new born babies to protect pregnancy, 3 mothers After the end of tetanus vaccine are required to do. Such as tetanus vaccine will protect both mother and baby, has no effect on what the mother nor harmful to the baby be born. Whether in the hospital, do you want to get a different environment and condition of all expectant mothers should be vaccinated birth. The application of our state health policy.
Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine (combined vaccine 3x) Combination vaccines, children, diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus is applied to protect against diseases. A new-born infant, vaccinated 3 times in an interval of 1-2 months from the second month of life, and then 18 month should be a reminder of the dose. 3pcs re-dose combined vaccine between the ages of 4-6, Polio vaccine should be together. Primary 1 is in a class by subtracting whooping cough, diphtheria-tetanus mixed vaccine should be given only. (In this period, also tuberculosis and polio vaccinations should be applied. Measles-rubella-mumps vaccine between the ages of 4-6 2.dozu be applied in this period is not applied.) Developing science and technology, a large number of new vaccines to provide protection against the disease with a single injection of trying to improve .
Today, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines, polio and Hib meningitis vaccine developed by Sanofi Pasteur vaccine which includes the first five are available. This vaccine is described in detail in the future departments. The front part of the arm or leg vaccine via the intramuscular route, or injected subcutaneously.
Polio (poliomyelitis)
Disease due to polio, polio virus, called a bug. Where environmental conditions to poor water, food contaminated with feces is transmitted by inhalation of germs into the air from pollution and crowded environments. Infected children, a mild fever, headache, muscle aches, nausea and vomiting can be seen in each disease are common findings. Some of these findings were limited to children with the disease, while others consist of permanent paralysis. Paralysis as a typical soft. So stiff and contracted muscles is not the case. Paralysis, in general, the child lifted up himself, and gives the first signs of difficulty in walking form. In most cases, there is no paralysis loss of sensation in the leg or arm. I dipped the needle feel. Vulnerable children and adults older than the age group of a microbe kaptıklarında are at greater risk for the development of stroke. Patients with a stroke varies between 2% and 20% mortality rate, but this rate can be affected by respiratory center in the brain can be up to 40%.
Disease Polio eradication of smallpox disease, as well as for the extensive work carried out in our country and all over the world. Treatment not available, permanent disabilities and death, and the eradication of this disease, but vaccination is possible. Both of these aspects as well as the presence of the virus in our environment due to the widespread importance of polio vaccination is substantially increased.
AşılarıGünümüzde polio polio vaccination against the disease has two different. Inactivated polio vaccine (administered as injection) and oral polio vaccine (given as oral drops.), Inactivated polio vaccine dead vaccine. The most important feature to be extremely safe and effective. Second month of life, starting from the 1-2 month intervals for 3 doses given as injections. Than the dose should be a reminder of the baby is 18 months old.
Inactivated polio vaccine developed by sanofi pasteur in five vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and Hib vaccines are together. In particular has been widely used in many countries, including the industrialized countries. Indispensable in providing individual protection against polio vaccine.
The oral polio vaccine is a live vaccine given by mouth in the form of drops applied. Although an effective vaccine is given the vaccine, such as the child's conditions adversely affected by vomiting or spit. During the implementation of the vaccine to infants with diarrhea than a month after the application of a dose of vaccine is recommended. The importance of the provision of social protection are against polio.
KullanımıYapılan with inactivated and oral polio vaccine studies, the best protection against this disease with the use of sequential inactivated and oral polio vaccines has achieved. Sequential inactivated prior to use, and then the oral vaccine given to children at different times based on the principle of both. This application is preferred in many countries, to inject a 2,4,6 or 2,3,4. Started with five vaccine for children 18 months Performed with oral doses of oral vaccine is given as a reminder Moon. Inactivated, and the biggest advantage of using sequential oral polio vaccines, inactivated vaccine within five vaccines provide protection before the individual, then the oral vaccine to provide social protection. Thus, both individuals and society against polio disease is very strong and it is possible to provide a permanent immunization. Both types of polio vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and combined with other childhood vaccines on the same day may apply. There is no objection to any mothers breastfeed after administration of the vaccine. Immediately after vaccination, even baby formula, milk, and other foods can be given, there is no any time limitation

health for kids 

source : http://www.health-for-kids.com/

20 Ocak 2013 Pazar


Pneumonia, caused by bacteria, high fever, cough, and sputum dark manifested disease. This 5 fatal pneumonia caused by bacteria of every 100. In addition, occurrence of these bacteria in the blood and lead to serious illnesses spread to the whole body. Foremost among these is meningitis. Symptoms may occur suddenly, as in a course may be chronic and long-term. Is severe and can lead to death in young children and the elderly.

About 200 thousand people in the United States will develop pneumonia caused by pneumococci. 100 people worldwide each year, according to the World Health Organization, pneumonia is 1 to 2. According to data from the Ministry of Health in Turkey every year is about 90 thousand cases of pneumonia. 2-3 thousand of these patients die. Pneumonia severity of the disease increases the bacterium are resistant to antibiotics.

Pneumonia patient's fever rose to 39-40 degrees. This fever may increase after a violent shaking. Solmuştur and often the color of the patient's coughing wheezing. Patient fatigue, weakness, and has a weak body resistance decreased. Is an anxious mood. In addition, a purplish color and the language of the patient's lips dried out.

The body temperature may be reduced in the elderly zatürreyle. As a result the so-called shock will happen. Cough and fever are not.

Pneumonia in patients with fever up to 40 degrees, dark phlegm, chills, cough, and fatigue seen mentioned. In addition, the need to fix it, there are some striking findings. Chest pain increases, and the back, the shoulder blade in the correct spread. Low back pain when breathing and coughing is a common finding. In addition, listed the following symptoms:

    Severe headache, dizziness and
    Rapid breathing, do not worry and feeling faint
    Throat, muscle pain, is
    Breathe in the style of stinging pain in the back
    The occurrence of bruising and sores on the lips pale lips style
    Pensive and tired of being in a state, difficulty in perception of what is being said
    Drinking a lot of water demand and reduction in the amount of urine
    Coma is very severe and advanced cases.

Need not be together all of these symptoms. To have a few of them, indicates the likelihood of pneumonia. Consult a physician immediately.
HOW pneumonia transmitted?

The bacteria that cause pneumonia, as a result of close contact, inhalation is taken into the body together. Upper respiratory tract, nose, and mouth, where it joins to settle and multiply. Here, take part in groups. Crowded places, closed areas, people living in bulk schools, dormitories, military and pneumonia infection is more likely places. May occur in the form of the epidemic, but it is not contagious until cold. The most appropriate medium for the transmission of family living together. Especially common among young children.
Diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia

The patient's complaints and to a great extent after the diagnosis is made by physical examination. Doctor, when we hear the lungs, respiratory abnormal moments. Breathing during the sound has changed. In addition, the withdrawal of the film is important for diagnosis of lung. Also, do blood counts, blood, bacteria, research, allows the determination of some of the tests, a definitive diagnosis.

Pneumonia treatment varies according to the severity of the disease. Of the disease in patients with mildly softeners and treatment of disease is the use of antibiotics and sputum, and the patient comfortable. Drugs, are given by injection or orally. 2-3 days after the controls to obtain information about the course of the disease.

Severe cases, the disease progresses, the person must be hospitalized. Approximately a 10-day treatment. Shortened or extended by the duration of this treatment the patient's condition. If necessary, the patient's breathing is made easier with the support of oxygen. Given intravenous antibiotics or liquid.
Pneumonia vaccine

Pneumonia disease is an illness that led to death threat as treatment of this disease is also very important to prevent pneumonia. The vaccine disease, which causes acquired immune against microbes. This immunity can last for years. Benefits of the vaccine are reprinted after 5-6 years. Applied to two months after the baby is born.

Risk groups, especially heart disease, alcohol, and cigarette smokers, diabetics, heart disease, some of those people over the age of 60 should be applied for. In patients with weakened immune systems should be used. It is easy to capture their disease. Especially people with HIV and AIDS carriers should be vaccinated.

Be vaccinated individuals who have risk factors mentioned above, reduces the likelihood of developing the disease. Vaccination In addition, the elimination of these risk factors can be considered as a protective measure.

2009 - 2012, WARNING:. All content on this site is for informational purposes. Does not Sağlık.Net's disease diagnostic and treatment services. In case of any health problems, we recommend that you contact the relevant doctors.

health for kids 

source : http://www.health-for-kids.com/child-pneumonia.html

3 Ocak 2013 Perşembe

Child Health Problems

2. * Home health - 15-49 years old women of reproductive age (especially pregnant women and infertile lohusalar) * Child Health - babies and children 0-6 years of age
3. 15-49 years in 2010 and 73.7 million in 2010, about 7.19 million of the population of reproductive age (27%) women oluşturmaktadır.Yine Turkey's population, 8.4% 0-4 percent of the general population, between the ages of 5-9 years in order to 8.3% of account (approximately 12% of age group 0-6) is
4. • 16 book century Thomas Raynold "Rise of Mankind" pregnancy-related diseases mentioned for the first time. The hygiene of pregnancy and pregnancy disorders • 17 Francou century book Mauriceau "Obstetrics Pregnancy and maternity". • 18 century, William Smellie "Pregnancy Diseases and Preventive Measures" in his book talked about pregnancy and disease.
5. • 19 century, the first medical home health unit was opened in Edinburgh. Here, "prenatal care" given by Dr. Ferguson in. • 20th century England were first pre-natal beds. Thus, for the first time was the main prenatal care. • 20 century, the United States started to visit pregnant women at home.

6. In our country, to make the necessary assistance to women who gave birth in 1842, 1862 açıldı.İlk maternity clinic, two year courses at the Faculty of Medicine, Gulhane Park, and a building in the delivery room at first birth and child care centers açılmıştır.1926 School, Ankara and Konya açılmıştır1905 Midwife Kadırga'da, schools were opened in 1937 in Konya in 1938, Balikesir and midwives.
7. In 1952, MCH services, other health services, No. 557 "Population Planning edildi.1965 was integrated Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Director kuruldu.1961 socialization of health care law No. 224, Ministry of Health Law" after the family planning services, to carry out the "Population General Directorate of Planning "has been established. In 1982, the Maternal and Child Health Department and the General Directorate of Population Planning "Mother and Child Health and Family Planning General Directorate" was the name of the combined.
8. In our country today, the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Services; - Family doctors - Community health centers (TSM), and - provided by the Maternal and Child Health and Family Planning Centres.
9. Family Medicine Practice Regulations (2010) Family physician duties Article 4 a) ............ d) people (cancer, chronic disease groups, age, sex, and follow-up and screening were recorded, gives, f) makes health-related guidance to health promotion and preventive services, maternal and child health and family planning services as a registered diseases, pregnant women, birth, newborn, infant, and child health, adolescent, adult, elderly health, and so on) makes
10. Immunization hizmetleriMadde 7 - Immunization services are carried out by family physicians. TSM'ler vaccines are delivered by the needs of family physicians. Family health center Family physicians take the necessary measures for the protection of cold-chain conditions
11. DIRECTIVE OF PUBLIC HEALTH MERKEZLERİNİNKURULMASI and operation (August 2011) Reproductive health services • Article 18 - (1) in cooperation with other health related organizations, within the framework of the principles of preventive reproductive health, family planning and other maternal and child health services performed by family physicians provide health services . Maternal and child health training center • TSM'ler these issues and gives a theoretical or given to skills training and provides consulting services.
12. Reproductive health services (2) Each family makes planning for the implementation of reproductive health services, the health center. Family physicians and / or family health personnel IUD (intrauterine device), and other reproductive health training in the theory and skills related to the planning grants are given to provide either.
13. Reproductive health services (3) In particular, local authorities and community leaders about the people and institutions for public education on reproductive health, co-operation will be implementing plans and programs. (4) reduction of maternal and infant mortality (Guest Mother Project, etc.) on all the programs carried out by the Ministry of planning and execution.
14. School Health Services • Article 29 - Area schools, especially boarding school division or enabled (. Disabilities and the like), housing (public and private), nursing homes and child protection agency, hotels, motels, B & B accommodation, health care and in terms of the rules of such as public hygiene control makes it at least twice a year. Schools during this check evaluates the severity of the disease.
16. 1. The mean age of first marriage in Turkey Marriage Age SorunuTürkiyede 8.20, west west, and in rural areas was found to be 6:19 3:21 number. On the other hand, the first marriage, mean age of ignorance 7:18 in the high school and higher education, those with an increase of 24.1 percent.
17. Adolescent Fertility • According to DHS, the mother became pregnant with her first child 19-year-olds 17.2%, 3.5% of women aged 15-19 married women in the age group 15-19 Ø 5.7 Ø iannedir siannedir% 48.5%
18. 2. (18.3%) women in our country, the problem is one-fifth of the Education of Women in Turkey • The level of education of any school or any other did not unable to complete. Uneducated women in the 25-29 age group increased by 27% to 12% rate of 45-49 age group. • East rose by 54%, • 28% of women living in rural areas.
19. Number of Illiterate Women 2.8Sahip 3.7Çocuk 2.6Ortalama Olmakİstedikleri 2.5 4.9 3.2 5.0 Number 5.0Sahip 5.9Çocuk their 4.9Ortalama
20. 3. Women's Status and Health Services KullanımıEğitim, professional and economic status of women, with their own traditions and directly affects the health status.

Low göreneklerce status, factors that may affect the health status of women in modern health care facilities to take a decision about the unknown, came as foreign places, or perhaps from the traditions of this benefit can not, and sometimes without the permission of the parents and spouses of those services can not exercise
21. 4. Family 34ünde 53ünde% verbal abuse violence against women for every 100's. Women Violence Family Violence • Violence • Sexual Violence • Physical violence • Economics • • Verbal Emotional Violence Against Turkey Prime Ministry Family Research Council
22. Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Family Research Council • Family violence against women for every 100 53ünde% 34ünde have verbal violence.
23. 5. Each year approximately 1.3 million births in the crude birth rate in Turkey is 18.6 per thousand SorunuTürkiye'de Excessive fertility. Total fertility rate: the average child per woman in Turkey 02:15. This ratio increases to 3.28 for women with no education for women living in rural areas is 2.67.
24. In 1983, more than 10 weeks gestation from "family planning Law" No. 2827 in our country 6.Türkiye Low Problem • be terminated on request. • 2008 DHS, 20.5 10.0 Total willingly then every 100 pregnancies (abortions) resulted in miscarriage compared.
25. 7. 28.5 per 100,000 live births in Turkey '• Maternal mortality rate Maternal Mortality problem for Turkey. Maternal Mortality Rate by Years in Turkey (one hundred thousand live births) 250 208 200 132 150 100 100 70 49 * 44 28.5 50 0 1974 1981 1990 1998 2000 2005 2005 Source: 1974, 1981, State Institute of Statistics, 1990 Estimated calculation WHO, 2000 and 2005 (*) 1998 SB Hospital Records Project, 2006 National Maternal Mortality Study
26. 8. Prenatal Care Problems in Turkey, Turkey Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), 2008, respectively, last births Antenatal Care (ANC), 92.0% of those who received at least one time were compared.
27. Adequate Care in: 1 2, health personnel, first 3 months of pregnancy based on 3 given by the DHS began to olması2003 at least 4 times, 46.4%, adequate care takers rate (25.4% in rural areas, 11.4% and 15.7% of those training 6 + children in those without)
28. Week • 12 • Sensing and the first follow-up EXPECTED FREQUENCY MONITORING ...... 24 weeks (6 months) ............ Once • 28 weeks (7.ay) ............ Once • 32 weeks (8.ay) ............ Once • 36 weeks (9.ay) ............ Once • 39 weeks (10.ay) .......... Once a total of 6 times
29. Health centers 2006, the frequency of follow-up per pregnancy, the average of Turkey ...... based on data collected from Denizli ................... 07.02 Urfa 6.3 ..................... 0.5 London ................. 0.4 Kayseri .................. 6.0Sağlık data from the Ministry of Turkey 2010: 4.2
30. Why are not taken into Prenatal Care?? Financial problems establishment 42.5Gerek 2.4Sağlık 36.4Gelenekler 5.9Ulaşım the problem of insecurity, poor service, etc. I do not see reasons 2.4Diğer 10:04
31. Prenatal Care Tests and Measurements (TNSA 2003) during: Measurement of 92.2Kan 96.2Tansiyon analysis 91.3Ultrason listening 46.3Boy 90.5% 2008ÇKS measurement measuring measuring 76.9 88.6 75.1 72.6 82.2Karın 1:31 82.8İdrar analysis 85.8Ağırlık
32. 9. Problems with Turkey on birth • Your doctor or under the supervision of trained health personnel '91.3% of the species. • Births 8.7% vb.kişiler traditional birth attendants or relatives (26.1% 6 35.3% after the birth of school completed, and those who are not) was built by
33. Place of birth (TNSA 2008): The country 'births, 89.7% had no health resort, is 9.7% at home. (Page: of people living in rural areas, 20.4%, 28.3%, 6 school completed, and who is not, then 38.1% of those births)
34. 10. Postpartum Care SorunlarıLohusaların Turkey, once a day after birth, postpartum period, including two more times, 3 times, the total must be monitored, but it takes a very small number.
35. 2006, according to the health center per Turkey's average post-natal follow-up ..... 1.0 Denizli .................. 2.5 Pain ..................... 0.3 Istanbul ................ 0.1 Kayseri ................. 2.3Sağlık data from the Ministry of Turkey 2010: 1.5
36. 11. Women in Turkey, Infertility Problems • Infertility condition usually of pathology, while 40% of men and 20% owned by a woman, both 40%. • 8-10% of women in Turkey is almost entirely responsible for infertility.
37. 12. • In recent years, significant reductions in infant mortality problem in Turkey, the country's IMR is obtained on the developed countries. • According to the TDHS 2008 IMR 0 is 17.6% (neonatal, postneonatal% 0 4 0% 13). • These rates are 39 per thousand in rural areas in the East was 33 per thousand, uneducated, rising to 41 per thousand.
38. Rank Country Infant Mortality Rate (2009) (1,000) 1 180 212 in Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone 154 433 151 954 138 245 Niger, Afghanistan, Japan 116.66219 2.79221 2.92220 Hong Kong, Singapore, Sweden 2.75222 second , 46 223 Bermuda 02:31
39. 1945-50 270 1950-55 235 1955-60 212 1960-65 178 1970-75 130 1988 88 2003 28 2008 17.6 (per thousand) Infant mortality rate change
40. Cause of Death Infant Mortality Province and Districts 2007 3193 3.28% Other causes of perinatal mortality 1718 2:15 other forms of heart disease, meningococcal infections, congenital anomalies 932 08.03 04.12 1398 Birth injury, difficult labor, the other died of pneumonia causes hypoxia and anoxia 475 2.4 304 7.2 191 Accidents 01:01 07:01 128 cases of unidentified cases of Cancer Symptoms and Total 11 284 100.0 5.17 1975 970 8.6 All other reasons
41. 13. • Follow-up Baby and Kids Baby and children in Turkey, you watched insufficient number and content of the problem than expected.
42. FOLLOW EXPECTED SIKLIĞIBebekler: • The first 48 hours .......................... • Once ........................... 15 • ........................... 41 times a day • 2-3-4-6-9-12 day at a time. months ........... Once matched, including nine times
43. Health centers based on data collected in 2006, the number of children per follow-up, the average of Turkey .... Kayseri ................ 5.2 ............ 9.5 Burdur ..... The Ministry of Pain .................... 1.8Sağlık .................... 1.2 9.5 2010 Turkey Urfa data: 7.1
44. EXPECTED SIKLIĞIÇocuklar MONITORING: • 1-3 years ........... • 4-6 years of age with an interval of 6 months ........... Including a total of 9 times with an interval of 1 year,
45. Per child health centers in 2006, according to the number of follow-up, the average of Turkey .......... 1.2 Malatya ...................... Pain 2.4 .......................... 0.4 Istanbul ..................... 0.3 Kayseri ....................... 2010 Turkey 1.6 Health Ministry data: 1.6
46. 14. According to 2008 SorunuTNSA vaccination, while the rest of the underimmunized, no vaccine has not been fully dır.Çocukların per 1.7 and 74.6 years of age were immunized by one.

47. TAKVİMİDoğum CHILDHOOD VACCINATION 1 Month 2 Months 4 Months 6 Months 12 Months 18 Months 1 Year 8.SınıfHBV-1 HBV-2 HBV-3 BCG DAPT-DAPT-DAPT-DAPT-Hib Hib IPV + Hib + IPV + Hib + -3 - 2 -1 IPV IPV-R-3 KPA KPA KPA KPA-1-2-R OPV OPV OPV-R Td Td -1 MMR MMR
48. Td2 Td1'den Td2'den sonraTd3 1-3 years at least 4 - (15-49 years) pregnancy practice percentage of time the number of women TakvimiDoz Tetanus Vaccine Protection Protection, 4 SüresiTd1 (not the first encounter or) Fertility of the week for at least 6 months After years of less than 1 year 80 95 5 99 10 yılTd4 Td3'den or at least one year after the gebelikteTd5 Td4 'then or the next pregnancy after the age of 99 reproductive health
49. 15. Low Birth Weight • 2008 DHS, 11% of children with low birth weight, birth weight (2.5 kg. 'Den less) are available. • 18.3% increase in the rate of uneducated mothers 'babies, infants' e 4 17.3% or higher.
50. About Infant Mortality Ratios by weight
51. 16. Child Abuse • Negligence • Physical abuse • Sexual abuse • Emotional abuse • Economic abuse
52. • Prime Ministry Family Research Council, in our country, and / 40% of parents of children aged 7-14 years according to a study carried out by, or exposed to violence by their fathers • Mothers, fathers more • Male children exposed to violence, physical violence than girls exposed to
53. 17. Problems of Family Planning in Turkey Turkey Infants and Children Nutrition School Health Problems 18 Problems 19

health for kids 

source : http://www.health-for-kids.com/child-health-problems.html

16 Aralık 2012 Pazar

Children in Cough

Cough in Children

Families Children's Cough disease is one of the most disturbing symptoms. Tiring for the child, just sıkıcıdır.Öksürük life, family grieves and many diseases that cause coughing in children sleep böler.Ancak not too serious, bacteria, viruses and some defense mechanism only protects the lungs from the harmful effects of foreign bodies.

Cough is the reason?

Respiratory tract, dust, bacteria, viruses and other foreign bodies from the upper layer from the nose to the lungs normally covered with a thin layer of mucus traps. Approximately 0.5 liters of mucus per day yapılır.Cilia children atar.Çocukta respiratory tract infection, such as moving through ciliaların eliminate the time, this mucus, foreign content, entering a small vacuum cleaners, hair-like structures called works to protect the respiratory tract foreign bodies to protect itself gets very small .

Respiratory doğaltemizleme ways to create a thick layer of mucus, cough başlar.İşte ciliaların movements affecting these movements occur in this environment to ensure cleanliness of re-infection of the airways çıkar.Ciliaların passing movement until after the child is impaired cough may take several weeks edit.

In some cases, it can be difficult to find the cause of cough. Children often can not tell any signs of illness, and sometimes a thing can not be detected by physical examination, and laboratory tests, for example, a number of these cases, such as lung function tests may be required.

The family will be constantly exposed to tobacco smoke in a small piece of information Olacaktır.Örneğin help find the cause of persistent cough, for example, such as house dust mites, allergens and materials, these types of pets can cause persistent cough.

Yellow, green nasal discharge, headache, and sore throat, if you have a foul odor of breath, and cough, usually as a result of foreign body çıkabilir.Astım düşünülür.Solunum sinusitis cough basic ways to escape, nuts, etc. colds, cigarette smoke, a possible cause of cough.

Diagnosis of cough sound can sometimes help. Short, dry cough, wheezing, asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia, cough, upper respiratory tract infections occur oluşur.Boğmaca çıkar.Balgamlı has its own unique sound and croup cough is usually ta.

The common cold or sinusitis, cough, usually (continuous flow of mucus in the throat behind) tries to clear artar.Çocuk severe coughing and mucus lie, and sometimes vomiting in the morning to finish. Persistent cough, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, or if you have seen nothing to pzisyonla, exercise artar.Çığlık, get to shout or laugh with the onslaught of severe coughing can occur day or night, can occur.

Diseases of pneumonia and bronchiolitis in infancy age is a very serious disease. Airlines to infants under 1 year of age is too small. Some viruses that cause damage to the air olurlar.Aldıkları small air tubes (bronchioles), have difficulty in breathing becomes insufficient, and we begin to feel an urgent need to take care of.

Asthma is one of the most frequent causes of long-term cough. Generally, cough, chest yoktur.Dinlemekle other than the typical symptoms of respiratory sounds.

What to do?

First of all, you definitely do not smoke at home. cigarette smoke, as well as movements ciliaların uğrettığı stroke, increases the secretion of mucus.

Our child to drink plenty of water or similar liquids to be thin, and the second measures to soften the irritation of mucous secretions.

Third önlemimizde air humidifier to use the devices.

Symptom of a disease, throat, or respiratory tract may also be a reaction to an irritating substance.
cough, lung inflammation, allows the removal of mucus from the respiratory tract, or. gıcıklı dry cough, a serious problem in many
Why not known at all times. Going back to the nose during a cold flow of the respiratory
may be due to irritation. A foreign substance enters the body, it is discharging the main trachea
In an effort görüleblir a dry cough. Child smoking, cigarette smoke around the child's breathing
airways, dry cough, not a serious problem, but it can irritate the cause is not always known. Cold
Irritation of the respiratory rhinitis during a cold may be due to going back. Body
Disposal of a foreign body in the trachea, the main effort of this kaçmısa can be seen as a dry cough.
Child smoking, cigarette smoke, respiratory tract irritation, dry cough Around the child can
may result. Ear infections can cause a dry cough.
How can I help?
* If you have a productive cough öksürükse, you definitely do not use cough syrup. In this case, cut cough,
pulled along disposal of cough, sputum is important. Knee as a child to cough lay down on his back
Please help keep mucus from gentle tapping.
All of a sudden began to dry cough *, from foreign body in the throat, see kaçmadığına escape. If you ran away
remove or try to get to a health care provider.
Your child is under your pillow at night, cough * Provide support for putting upright lie. Mucus in throat
aşağılara prevents slipping or causing irritation. Prevents irritation prone or side slope.

 Continuous moist cough, hold your child's room. A light source, a pot or a glass of water, leaving a gap odanını
Avoid dry air. Isıymayın over the room.
* Never smoke near your child. Even if your child is not iömeyin, entered into any room of the house. Cigarette smoke
airborne droplets moves and uncomfortable for your child.
* Give your child something warm to soften his throat before going to bed
Children not older than 6 months and to increase milk secretion of milk. 18 months, a few drops of hot aged for more
You can prepare a drink of honey dissolved in water by adding lemon juice.
* Your child's cough continues for a period of 3-4 days, children, children 6 months of age, cough, cough, I can not sleep because
Object çıkartamamışsanız a small, fast, loud or barely öksürüyorsa children, choking, strangling fled
Breathing take to a doctor immediately.

health for kids 

source : http://www.health-for-kids.com/children-in-cough.html

9 Aralık 2012 Pazar

2 doses of varicella vaccine, with two layers of protection ...

Although it is well known among the people as a normal kid, disease, varicella-related serious risks that may be available. In addition, this risk increases in direct proportion to the age. This is useful for avoiding production of varicella vaccine. At this point, experts recommend "Baby 12 must be repeated a second time, the proposed implementation of the varicella vaccine between the ages of 4-6, to ensure effective protection."

At the beginning of the end of the winter and spring can be seen in children between the ages of 1-10, is often in children aged 1-5 years, kindergarten and kindergarten, chickenpox is usually mild disease occurred. However, it is known in town as a normal boy disease, the serious dangers that can arise from chickenpox are also available. In addition, this risk increases in direct proportion to the age.

As a result of complications caused by highly contagious, can chickenpox, severe pneumonia, brain inflammation (encephalitis and meningitis), respiratory problems and central nervous system, severe inflammation of the liver caused by lesions of the skin and organs skin, muscle and internal diseases occur. Involvement of brain diseases, especially in children under 5 years and is known to frequent. Among people over 20 years

In confined spaces, with someone of the virus., The virus using his own property to touch the ground or touched by the disease, providing easily infected droplets People between the "corridor disease," said the Varicella in win the spread of the name: The patient is seated at the long end of a broker, the broker can easily infect a person sitting on the other end. In an environment with a person with chickenpox at the same time a very short period infected Although 96% of disease risk.

For this reason, experts warn that the emphasis on prevention of disease rather than spending, the most effective and the only way to protect against chickenpox vaccine stressed. What serious complications for the most effective protection against the disease outcome, 12 children should be strong again in the proposed application of chickenpox, 4-6 years, according to the report.

For adults, the risk of varicella in question ...
Although it. Mainly in the age of the children simply pollution of the disease in adults at risk of contracting the virus Spend a child is heavier chickenpox in adults. Low-risk pregnant women, smoking causes diseases like pneumonia.

Another important feature of the varicella body after illness atılamaması completely stored in nerve endings. This is achieved over time, the body to the associated stress, fatigue system, immune and damaging the immune system directly to triggers such as the drug, the skin from virus displacement along the nerves in the body of the people "Zone" also known as pathogens. Varicella vaccination in some scientific studies showing that the incidence of shingles available.

Information regarding vaccine ...

Varicella provides protection against the disease by 85%. More than 95% against severe disease, this relationship is observed. If done within 3 days after exposure to virus vaccine development engellenebiliyor 90% of disease. People protective effect in future periods when the disease yakalanmasa further. Rare side effects of the vaccine is becoming vaccine is redness, swelling and stiffness is applied, according to the report. In rare cases, children can be seen with fever, headache, malaise, nausea and vomiting.

Varicella - Varicella zoster, the virus causes 14-21 days after receiving a high fever, skin rashes and eruptions appear. In the form of bubbles filled with water spills as soon as possible kabuklanıyor, between 7 and 10 days. During this period, with a iltahaplanma other self-seeds without shells combined without trace. Rash with respiratory infection before the onset of 2 days and 5 days after the onset of the rash said continues through contact with kabuklanıncaya to transfer all deposits.

Today, some of the medications used to treat chickenpox, although not very effective if severe cases, these drugs are not available. Important at first, no aspirin in any way the person, illness and rash cream and so on. such materials are not applied.

3 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Cough in children opened for the season! attention

Just takes in the autumn and winter months with the onset of disease-causing cough in children. The most important reason that the upper and lower respiratory tract is observed due to the increase due to the increased activity. Pediatric Specialist Hospital Hisar Nas says Yunus may be curious about the subject.

Just takes in the autumn and winter months with the onset of disease-causing cough in children. The most important reason that the upper and lower respiratory tract is observed due to the increase due to the increased activity. Pediatric Specialist Hospital Hisar Nas says Yunus may be curious about the subject.

Cough caused by?

Cough, nasal membrane lung (pleura) occurs because of respiratory illness to go. Although it is mainly allergic asthma due to infections in these regions, can non-infectious diseases, such as sarcoidosis due. In addition, medications, breathing muscle, the diaphragm has the stomach, esophagus, the lungs are affected, and in some cases the cough may cause heart disease. "

Cough, how long?

The cough is usually short-term acute therapy than a 2-week. Chronic (chronic) cough for more than two weeks and less frequently in the. Cough is a normal protective mechanism of the body. To the mechanical factors to throw the airways either intentionally or unintentionally. (Escape sputum, airway foreign bodies) mechanical airways, chemical (drugs, toxic gases, etc.) factors, the coughing. The larynx contains the vocal cords and trachea largest airline in particular is very sensitive to mechanical stimulation and creates a succession crisis cough.

What diseases are coughing?

Nature and severity of the disease, the cough of the router. Patients who do not produce sputum Dry cough and cough that occurs with the vocal cords vibrate. This type of cough, mucus from respiratory infections than pharyngitis, can bronchitis, bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the pleura and can be seen in the initial phase of tuberculosis. Age (productive and productive) cough, sputum, and the movement is one created by the dry sound öksürükteki voice. Age cough, phlegm in the airways coexist, and in particular consider the next period TB, pneumonia. Influenced by the style of the vocal cords barking cough, laryngitis, bronchitis, whooping cough, diphtheria hoarseness is a common and often accompanied. Whooping cough and foreign bodies in the airways form of attack is to escape the crisis.

Why are some children are seen as a long-term cough?

The fact that accompanies the long-term cough, wet cough fever, by seriously considering the cause. Chronic (chronic) cough is often caused by an allergic sinusitis in children usually caused by nasal discharge occurs. This new crisis, especially in patients after an episode of vomiting, which sometimes causes to cough. Reflux in children, asthma, chronic bronchitis often the cause of chronic cough. According to the cause of children's cough cough after the first physician control and a chest x-ray, lung function tests, allergy tests are performed and can be diagnosed.

How to plan the treatment?

Treatment depends on the disease from the cough. Particularly exposure to snuff, night food should be avoided as they can cause chronic cough. Especially in children, laryngitis, croup cough bark style substantially reduces the doctor until we complaints that the cold air ventilation in cold weather to get useful. Can heating in the house during the winter months vary, depending on the humidity of the air humidification assembly. Cough is caused by a highly contagious disease treatment of diseases, promotes good nutrition and fluid intake.

Children, cough drops to school environment salabildiğinden be sent after the doctor found that. Combating infectious diseases

2 Aralık 2012 Pazar

Women's Health and Children's Health

Women and children's health issues in our society supports research and education activities. To this end, the University of London Institute of Child Health Family Health Department, Istanbul Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, Healthy Child Clinic is connected to these organizations and conducted the Women's and Children's Health Research and Education Unit (KCSB) in collaboration with.

Resources and Human Resource Development Foundation in collaboration with the European Union, which was founded in 1994, KCSB, Turkey is qualified on these issues within the university physician and non-physician health care personnel for the systematic education and training an organization from a service model benefit. The unit short-and long-term courses organized family planning counseling, family planning and related technical issues (intrauterine device use, vasectomy, the tube connecting the other methods), prenatal checks and pregnancy health, newborn care, breastfeeding and infant nutrition, school health is the health of adolescents where issues such as theoretical and practical information. The Ministry of Health? Family Planning Training Center?

 The hotel is in the list of health personnel enjoy using it on various topics have been trained by the staff of the University. Breastfeeding, pregnancy, women's health, family planning, research on infant and child care, families and caregivers for the construction of educational video films statement was carried out in collaboration with many organizations. The Association has supported these activities with financial support and volunteers. The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Willows Foundation, the International Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey (TEGV), the World Health Organization (WHO), the mother-child Education Foundation (AÇEV), FP-General of the Ministry of Health, the Children's Film Festival Center (ICC), Rotary Club Like many communities in the interest of the organization and worked with a large number of the unit after 2003, limited mainly due to the activities of the Provincial Health Directorate personnel gradually changing strategy. Lack of facilities of the University, made this restriction is mandatory. The device is still breastfeeding support, is the regulation of fertility and youth mental health activities weight.
Women's and Children's Health Training and Research Center by a team of professionals, educators, students and families for the many written sources (prepared by the Women's and Children's Health Education and Research Division publications for educational purposes) installed.
Information for youth sexuality first
Preparation for childbirth
Your baby is growing
Postpartum Women's Health
New Mom and Dad happened Questions Answers
Civil protection
Prepared to facilitate parents to children's health Children's Health Center at the club from the follow-up book can be purchased monitor.
The current growth and the development of standards for the first 5 years of the Turkish children evaluated
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Department of Social Pediatrics and Child Health Association of Turkish children in collaboration with a research group led the first 5 years, determined by the current growth standards. Healthy child clinic in Istanbul Medical Faculty of the child control 19 523 4493 brought the overall results of the research are evaluated, are breastfeeding, vaccinations and vitamin supplementation safety net in the first 5 yr of Turkish children with body weight, height, head circumference values ​​similar to the values ​​of children in developed countries shown. The study results reported at several meetings, as well as international journals in English and Turkish (Gökçay G, Furman A, growth curves for Turkish children aged Neyzi O. Updated published 15 days to 60 months Child Health, Care and Development, 2008, 34 : 454 - 463, Neyzi O, Furman A, Bundak R Gökçay G, Günöz, H, DARENDELİLER F, Head of R Turkish children with body weight, height, head circumference and body mass index reference values ​​Journal of Pediatrics, 2008, 51: 1. -7) and are) of the workers in the field of health (press release.
Another field of activity of the Association of the Women and Children's Health to develop training for childminders to a training program conducted. This program implemented Bakırköy Public Education Center Bakirkoy cooperation with the community and private companies Ferit Aysan Education Park in support of the building in 2006, which was conducted by the Educational Volunteers Foundation, a course of eight weeks duration. This course includes theoretical and practical training as part of a special program participated experienced trainers in the field of child health and development, as well as every week, but the program is enriched by invited guest speaker, an expert in these things. Of course, above all between the ages of 0-5 extended information about the child's physical and mental health of the necessary applications for the care of children in this age group are shown. The program was participatory training methods, approaches and issues of communication led the children will be given special attention. Applied at the end of the course a certificate of attendance given to candidates who succeed in the exam. The course is available on request, re-arranged,. In collaboration with other communities
This program is the result of an efficient, compiled in 2007, the course content http://www.cocuksagligidernegi.org/evdecocuk.html - http://www.cocuksagligidernegi.org/evdecocuk.html # - # http://www . cocuksagligidernegi. org / evdecocuk.html -? # Home Child Care? made in a book with the title. Suppressed by our association serves, this book as home care, as well as the elements, designed to help the mothers and fathers. This book may be obtained from the Center on the Association (Home Child Care).
Our association has been. Istanbul in 2003, 2 in Turkey instead Introduced to the organization of the Congress of the National Maternal and Child Health Women and child health professionals (specialists and general practitioners, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, educators) innovations and issues related to the participation of women and children in our country and served in various provinces of Turkey carried out every two years, this scientific meetings. 900 Meeting in Istanbul? Was more than participation.
Medical Association of the University of Istanbul, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and communication for the students organized? Istanbul University Peer Education Project? What financial support. This event, students, healthy living, sexual and reproductive health knowledge and skills in the areas of positive behavior in the form of improvements made to convey, be able to train their colleagues for their support. Istanbul Medical Faculty and the Faculty, as well as experts. Outside of the project, which trained students also worked as a trainer
Istanbul University, Istanbul Medical Faculty of Istanbul University since 1994, by the Institute of Child Health Lactation Consultant Association supports classes. Given instead of 3-4 times a year on this course in the field of child health workers with the latest information on breastfeeding and lactation counseling and skills acquired.
Develop follow-up outpatient clinical records of Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine and Child Health and evaluated growth curves of healthy children between the ages of 0-5 (percentile) has provided financial support for the creation of the Association for the purpose of research. Healthy Child Clinic ongoing healthy children with body weight, height and head circumference measurements, statistical analysis of the measurements based and contains about 5000 Turkish children-specific growth curves were obtained as a result of this study. These curves have been published and are available in Turkey (Child Health Surveillance Manual).
In early childhood (0-3 years), the relationship between mother and child in the developed plants directed at parents and children happier? Unique years grown? Initiated education, social services and Child Protection Agency specializing in collaboration with psychologists on the implementation of Community Centers (Unique years Project