19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Varicella Disease And Symptoms

Mothers, babies during daily care is one of the most recognizable changes in your mouth, and the other things. From the earliest days of the newborn, any changes in the skin, a caring mother find. We think of her. An important finding in relation to the outbreak of serious diseases Precursor pediatricians, and on this day the first time a food (eggs, honey, milk) or the use of fever-reducing medications, one to one simple cough can also be caused by an allergic reaction to a simple. Whatever the situation always, talk with your doctor.


One of the most common diseases in children of all ages Now the chickenpox rash, rash, and fever, mild headache, loss of appetite and weakness manifest. Much mild disease in healthy children, the vaccine önelenebilir.

Chickenpox is an infectious disease caused by the varicella virus. A single source of human infection. More school age, although unlikely, can be seen at any age. The most important manifestation of the eruption. The rash starts on the head and spine, cover rapidly distributed throughout the body in 3-4 days.

There are three stages of the eruption:

v First, small red itchy blisters,

Then v is a clear liquid in the bubble of each dollar

v The bubbles grow and then crust over and fall off. Each child is contagious until the blisters kabuklanıncaya. This corresponds to a period of approximately 10 days from the start of residue. Rash in the scalp, mouth and genitals can the appearance of a child very uncomfortable. Other findings of the eruption are: fever, mild headache, loss of appetite, weakness. Some very mild illness and disease in children chicken pox during the child feels good about himself.

What kind of childcare NEED chickenpox?

Elimination Itching: itching, increased especially in the evening hours, and most troubling findings in children. An age-appropriate anti-histaminikle obvious relief can be provided (Benadryl, Tavegyl, Atarax, Zyrtec drug, like choosing a doctor).

Lotion application: prevention of the effects of itching.

Fire control system: the first drug of choice, depending on the weight of the child paracetamol (Calpol, Termalgine, Tylol, Tamol etc.) Aspirin should not be used chickenpox.

It may be water loss due to decreased appetite: liquid enough. To avoid this, use mild liquid foods, especially as children are fed. Spicy foods, spicy and soft drinks should be avoided. Child pain relief after a fall after the pain is easier to eat.

Rash does germ prevention contract: First, you should try to avoid, goes into watery blisters. Cotton gloves evening dress can be useful in young children. Chickenpox rash leaves a trail of lost the dark months 6-12. Microbes and not enough attention will be displayed in bubbles, leaving a permanent scar.

Dress code: relaxed dress in light and often change the child's clothing.

Contagion: Chickenpox is a highly contagious disease. Cough and close contact, extends through the air. Symptoms appear 10-21 days after exposure to the disease. 1-2 days before the rash begins contagious. Healthy children, chickenpox is usually mild. In rare cases, severe complications maximum meningitis. There chickenpox and 12 are sufficient for one month one dose of vaccine protection. In our country, chickenpox, and Okavax Varilrix names are on the market. No previous varicella and varicella in contact with pregnant women, heart, kidneys and immune system disease diabetes, consult a health center immediately after contact.

WHEN Intermediate doctor again?

v sloshing around the redness, swelling, tenderness, swelling when

v is observed dehydration (water loss) findings,

Absent v mind, tendency to fall asleep, simply enter uyandırılamama hallucinations,

v severe headache, stiff neck starts / pain and back pain,

v If repeated vomiting,

v verilemezse child enough fluids,

v dyspnea, frequent breathing, chest pain, shortness of breath, severe cough in this

v developed unsteady gait and weakness / fatigue,

v Fire has düşmemişse 4 days,

v redness, pain, blurred vision, if

v childhood disease that the beginning of the "patient" appears.

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